"To be or not to be," proves Hamlet's perforamtive utterance in which he is seeking for himself. Hamlet's inner struggles are viewed in his actions and the plot within the play. In which Hamlet is seen as a weak madman, however very strategic. Boer's article of performative utterance displays the very opposite opinion of Hamlet's reasonings and actions.
Hamlet appears to be an undecided and frightened character with no sense of self. In that Hamlet's self overhearing leads him to take the decisiones he takes. One of the biggest decisiones Hamlet takes is proving who he truly is to himself. He deals with the obstacles in his path that only direct him to a maximum pain towards himself. He struggles with the inner conflict of his father's death and knowing the guilty but taking no action. Only talking the talk but being unable to walk the walk. His failure of showputs him in a point of agression and madness. Of which is visible to all whom surround him and make him seem a weak and unstable character. However, Hamlet's true self struggle leads him to the tragities and pain he causes within himself.
As the play progresses so does Hamlet's thoughts and character. The struggle of taking action in himself and putting the pieces back together create an impact that causes his failures. Even through his perserverance of avenging his fathers death Hamlet never took action from the impact of his familys wrong doings. All the obstacles Hamlet dealt with like that of Cladius and Gertude only pushed him farther into a point of no return within his madness. Hamlet who is seeking to find the strength to keep living keeps being faced with obstacles that point him in the other direction.
Boer's article creates just the opposite picture of Hamlet's true intentions. That Hamlet is only putting on a show, displaying his weakness to gain advantage. He only goes along with being a madman to reach his goal of avenging his fathers death. Boer's points out that Hamlet can display actionof a show but puts on no action. Proving the truth that Hamlet can't pull through with his intentions and is left at displaying what he will not pursue.
All in all, Hamlet's performative utterance lead him to a point where he looses connection between his reality of his intentions and just merely a display of intentions. In which he seeks for himself but keeps being dissapointed to find what he finds within his surroundings.
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