Introduction to my blog

I am in an AP english class and have found out that reaching out to helping others prepare for the AP test will benefit many.
I hope you take this blog in serious consideration if you are preparing for the AP english Language and composition. If you have any questions please comment and I will be sure to get back to you.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Big Question

Is the American justice system equitable?


  1. This is an important question. What evidence and research will you use to answer it? What would prove to you that the system is (or is not) equitable?

  2. What exactly do you mean by equitable? Like fair for serious criminals, traffic violators, or to everyone?

  3. I would also like to know what you mean by equitable, otherwise sounds like a good question.

  4. By equitable I do mean if the justice sytem is fair in the way they carry out their laws. Likewise if they prioritize based on the person.

  5. So are you going to make this question very broad or are you going to eventually focus on one point?
