Introduction to my blog

I am in an AP english class and have found out that reaching out to helping others prepare for the AP test will benefit many.
I hope you take this blog in serious consideration if you are preparing for the AP english Language and composition. If you have any questions please comment and I will be sure to get back to you.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

In Search Of

1. What I found intresting in the video was that we are categorized and selected to see different information online. Each person can type in the same phrase or word and get totally different searches.
2.This whole thing with being categorized into groups and not being able to see outside our bubble makes me wonder what else is there out there that we can not see because it is blocked to us. What different information or how acurate ours is compared to others.
3.My one question would be if there is any way that we can see beyong our bubble or what actions can we take to see beyond our bubble.
4.I would say to an improve a search try different computers and try other resources not just the web such as newspapers or books.

I redid the search by using different terms and key words and searching many different web sites to try and find the most accurate information about shakespeare.

New Information: 
Shakspere at best had only a grammar school education, and he is not known to have traveled beyond Stratford and London. He probably left the capital in his early to middle 40s, when his writing career presumably would have been at its zenith, and returned to the humdrum life of a provincial grain and property dealer. How, say skeptics, could he have accumulated the vast knowledge of royalty, court life, politics, and foreign lands–particularly of Italy, where several plays are set–woven through such a sophisticated body of work? Whoever wrote the plays and sonnets had a rare breadth of knowledge in numerous disciplines, including physical sciences, medicine, the law, astronomy, and the Bible. 
. Shakspere died in obscurity and was buried anonymouslyGrain man. Shakspere died in obscurity and was buried anonymously. Six years after his death in 1616, the first edition of Henry Peacham'sThe Compleat Gentleman was published, listing the Elizabethan era's greatest poets. Heading the list: Edward de Vere, the Earl of Oxford. In this and three succeeding editions, there is no mention of Shakespeare by any spelling. Eighteen years after Shakspere's death, an engraved monument in a Stratford church shows him holding what appears to be a sack of grain. A century later, the sack became pen and paper

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